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We are the largest trade association representing independent insurance agents in the state of Michigan. Members: Please sign in through the link on the top, right corner of this page to view member-exclusive content.

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  • I'm looking for a consultant that can provide guidance on structruing new Producer agreements and comp plans for our new recruits. Any recommendations? bgadbury@michigancommunity.com ...

  • Checking to see if any market suggestions for writing a Lessors Risk (LRO) for five Adult Foster Care homes leased to the State of Michigan. These five homes are all ranch ...

  • I have heard that chip "repairs" are not rated, but I do know that glass "replacements" are rated by most carriers, either with a separate glass rating or as a comp claim ...

  • Hi Stephen, I hope all is well. I am not sure about the state law on whether comp claims are chargeable. However, I would think that there is a nuance between a claim ...

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